6 Exercises For Gymnasts

6 Exercises for Gymnasts to Stay Strong at Home

We all miss being at Viking, but we can still stay strong at home! Here are six strength exercises for gymnasts of all ages and levels that can be done anywhere, anytime. Improving your strength during this time can help improve your gymnastics when we return to the gym.

1.  Squat to Chair
Stand with a chair slightly behind your feet. Start by bending slightly at your hips, then bend your knees to lightly touch the chair and then stand up again. Keep your chest up and knees in line with toes. Complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions. This exercise will help strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes to help you jump into skills like a back handspring.

2.  Glute Bridge
Laying on your back, knees bent with feet on the floor, and arms by your side, press your lower back into the ground and lift your hips up to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold this position for 30 seconds, three times. Try picking one foot off the ground for an extra challenge! This exercise strengthens your hamstrings, glute muscles, and core muscles to help you stick your landings on skills like a side handstand beam dismount.

For an extra challenge, try this:





3.   Superman (Arch) hold
Lay on your belly with your arms by your ears. With your feet together, lift your feet, arms, and chin off the ground while squeezing all the muscles in the back of your body. Keep your arms by your ears. Hold this position for 30 seconds, three times. This exercise strengthens your shoulder and back muscles to help you with skills like the tap swing on bars.

4.   Pushups on Knees
Create a pushup position with your knees on the floor and feet up in the air. Keep a straight line from your shoulders to your knees throughout the movement. Lower your chest and hips to the floor, by your elbows bending at a 45° angle, and then push up to the original starting position. Complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions. This exercise strengthens your biceps and triceps in your arms to help you with skills like the front handspring vault.

5.  T-Hold
Lay on your belly with your arms out to the side (in a “T” shape). Point your thumbs towards the ceiling. Keep your chin and legs on the ground and use the back of your shoulder muscles to lift your arms off the ground and hold for 30 seconds, three times. This works the shoulder muscles that help you stay on the balance beam on jumps and leaps.

6.  Boat Hold
Laying down, arms by your side, and knees bent, press your lower back to the ground and engage core muscles to lift shoulders and feet off ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds, three times. Put your legs out straight (keeping them off the ground) for a bigger challenge! This exercise is good for building the endurance of your core muscles for skills like a glide swing, and kip on bars.

For an extra challenge, try this:




Staying home is a great opportunity to work on your gymnastics strength with exercises like these and a great time to try our Viking Virtua Classes! Stay home and stay strong!
