Crazy Sock Week at Viking!

Viking Gymnastics and Dance Socks Week

This week, Viking staff members are all about crazy socks! Everybody has a different thought as to what defines socks as crazy. For some people it’s design. Others consider anything other than solid black or white, like bright, boldly colored, or mismatched socks as crazy.

Gymnastics and Dance

Wearing crazy socks says can allow your individual personality to surface. When my daughter was in grade school, there was a dress code that said solid color tops and solid color skirts or pants were required. But do you know what had no restrictions? Socks! My daughter could let her energetic personality show through in the socks and tights that she wore. Patterns, bright colors, matched, mismatched – she wore them all and still does!

two gymnastics coaches

There are Viking staff members that wear fun socks to express their true personality year-round! Others wear them when the mood strikes or on special occasions.

Official National Sock Day is December 4th, but keep your eyes open all week and see how many different patterns or mismatched socks you can find at Viking!
