Viking Girl Power 2020

On February 22nd, we held our second annual Viking Girl Power fundraiser for the Athlete Assistance Fund and it was I·N·S·P·I·R·I·N·G! Many local businesses and entrepreneurs volunteered to share their knowledge with all of our Girl Power participants.

Gymnastics Speaking Event

This year’s guest speaker Bridget Venturi Veenema – Coach, World Cup Champion, the first woman elected to the USA Baseball board of directors, and first American Gladiators Grand Champion, opened the event by speaking about the importance of not giving up. You can experience failure and use it to help motivate yourself to improve. As long as you keep trying you can get to where you want to be.

CelebGymnastics Coaching for Kidsrity Trainer, Beth Horn, sat down to talk about setting their dream goals. How it is important to take those large goals and break them down into smaller, achievable goals that serve as building blocks for those that are larger. She discussed steps to keep you focused to meet your ultimate goals.


Viking Gymnastics and Dance Classroom

Our participants learned about the importance of computer science with Digital Adventures. Using the Scratch programming language, participants were able to create their own animated short stories. 




Tagymnastics instructionking care of ourselves is so important! Some of our participants experienced how to tune in and tune out through guided meditation while Sun and Moon Yoga taught us a gentle yoga flow for peace and clarity. Jim and Marcy Wade, owners of ATA Martial Arts, taught us about self-defense and bullying.

Girl Power in the Gym

kids learning in the gym   Coaching Teen Girls in the Gym   Girls playing in gym

WGymnasics Instruction Classe explored how to protect our bodies and the importance of standing up for yourself with a Prevention Education Coordinator from the Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault.




two young girls playing in the gym   Gymnastics Rewards

Groups learned about teamwork. How working together within both smaller and larger groups in your community helps you to become stronger and in some cases, reveal treasures that you didn’t know existed! Through dance we explored concepts of counterbalancing, weight sharing, and partner lifts and discovered what we are capable of achieving with teamwork and care. When we support one another, we uncover the inner strength often hidden within ourselves.

Gymnastics Girl PowerWe explored the Power of Positivity through dance improvisation and movement exercises to empower and express our participants creative voices in ways that words cannot. Physical life was brought to the positive thoughts we created and we learned how to do this anywhere.

little girls learning gymnasticsTYGR Occupational and Physical Therapists showed the importance of inclusion in play. That although someone may have different abilities, we can all play together and be comfortable with one another.



gymnastics group picture

We had an amazing time at Viking Girl Power 2020! It was truly inspiring to see everyone learn, try something new, and work together. Thank you to all of our volunteers, local businesses, and participants – we can’t wait for next year!
