6 Things to Do Every Day for Mental Health

Gymnastics and dance are two extremely athletic activities. While our classes focus heavily on keeping our bodies physically healthy, it is also important to take care of our mental well-being. Our overall wellness greatly affects how we perform both in class and in our daily lives. Celebrate World Mental Health Day with us by trying out the following 6 things to keep your mind and body happy!

Use Positive Affirmations

The way we think and speak about ourselves directly affects our feelings. Negative self-talk is common among gymnasts and dancers, and it can change how we view the world around us. By using positive affirmations daily, we can start the day off on the right foot! Challenge yourself to be your own cheerleader and celebrate the accomplishments you achieve.

Get Your Heart Rate Up

Have you ever noticed a sense of relaxation and happiness after exercising? That’s because our bodies release endorphins, which are chemicals that relieve stress and boost our moods. Also, spending too much time being sedentary can tighten our muscles and make us feel lethargic. Find ways to move around each day, maybe by taking a dance class or taking a walk outside!

Be Kind to Others

The saying “treat others the way you want to be treated” is so important! When we take the time to be nice to someone else, we feel enriched and more connected. This not only helps to improve our self esteem by making us feel more valued, but we can also help others feel accepted and happier. Seek to make the world a better place and be an example for others who might not be feeling as strong.

Eat Well 

The food we eat works to provide nutrition for our entire body, even our brain! It is important to eat a balanced diet because all foods release different chemicals that our moods respond to. For example, carbohydrates increase serotonin which helps us to feel happy and calm. Protein increases several chemicals such as norepinephrine, dopamine, and tyrosine which help to keep us alert in class!


There are times when life seems hectic. You might be bouncing from school to chores to homework to activities, and it might feel like a lot! It is okay to slow down and take the time to just breathe. Meditation helps with finding calmness and clarity, and it is a great tool to use in more stressful times. If you are feeling overwhelmed, step away from whatever it is that is causing discomfort, close your eyes, and take ten deep breaths.

Put Away the Screens

Technology has become so integrated into our lives, which can be useful when looking for information or entertainment; however, looking at screens for long periods of time affects our attention spans, sleeping patterns, and self-esteem. Social media can be a fun way to engage with friends and family when you are away from each other, but it can also spread a lot of misinformation. Remember, everything on the internet is not real, but your life and well-being is!

We want to remind you that you are awesome, brave, and powerful! Celebrate yourself today!
