Activity and Wellness

Update! The World Health Organization (WHO) has published new guidelines on the recommended amount of daily physical activity for both children and adults. Did you know children aged 5-17 years old should engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 60 minutes each day?! It is also important that these daily practices include muscle and bone strengthening exercises at least three days a week.

This may seem like a lot, but regular exercise is crucial for overall wellness. The terms well-being, wellness, and happiness are used interchangeably even though they actually affect one another. Well-being and happiness are perceived states of being and focus on feelings, emotions, and mental states. However, wellness is multidimensional and the active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.

Mental health and physical health play a large role in how we and our children perform in our day-to-day routines, but it is also important to consider how other factors can be contributing to how we are navigating our lives.

The good news is, there are many ways to keep ourselves moving while also having fun! Physical activity should never feel like a chore, and it is important to choose things that are fun, challenging, and feel good to do. Any physical activity is better than doing nothing, and it is a great idea to explore a variety of options. Try some strengthening exercises or stretch your body while you are watching your favorite show. Jam out to music and try something new – a gymnastics camp or dance workshop! These are wonderful ways to move, groove, and keep your body healthy!

At Viking, we want to lead our students on the right path in all aspects of their life, and physical health is a large part of wellness. Staying active in combination with mindful eating each day lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and reduces blood pressure. Also, practicing 60 minutes of daily movement improves balance, flexibility, and muscular strength. Gymnastics and dance require strength, agility, and determination that come from keeping both the mind and body in good shape!

Routine is good and helps us stay on track, but trying new things is exhilarating and fuels the serotonin in our brains. This leads us to a healthier lifestyle without even realizing it since we are enjoying how we spend our time.

