Update to Mask Wearing at Viking

The state of Illinois has been fortunate to see a decline of new cases over the past weeks, resulting in the return of some semblance of Pre-COVID times. With the increasing availability of testing sites, vaccines, and the dedication of individuals to adhere to guidelines to stop the spread, the future is looking bright. However, it is still required to wear masks in gymnastics and dance facilities in Illinois.

Recently, researchers from the University of Cambridge performed a series of tests on different types of face masks and found that wearing an ill-fitting, high-performance mask does not provide any more protection than a cloth mask. If a mask is loose on the sides or pulling away from the face on the top or bottom, the wearer runs the risk of having many aerosols and droplets escaping and entering through these areas. The best protection against COVID-19 is to not only wear a mask, but a well fitting mask.    

The CDC conducted and published an experiment in February regarding measures you can take to improve your mask and reduce the risk of transmission and exposure. Some ideas for making a mask more effective are fitting a cloth mask on top of a medical procedure mask, knotting ear loops of medical masks and tucking in/flattening the extra material close to the face, purchasing a mask fitter, and/or using a nylon covering over the mask. All of these options showed a 95% decrease of exposure to potentially infectious aerosols in a lab study.

What kind of mask should you be wearing? The CDC put together a wonderful guide to mask wearing but we will give you the highlights here. Choose a mask that has two or more layers of washable fabric, covers your nose and mouth completely, fits snugly against the sides of the face with no gaping, and has a bendable nose wire to avoid air particles leaking out of the top. Avoid masks made of fabrics hard to breathe through, masks that have exhalation valves or vents, or masks intended for healthcare workers including N95 respirators.


Whether it is purchasing a new, better fitting mask, double masking, or using the ear loop method, having a face covering that fits well will help not only with slowing the spread of coronavirus in our community, but it will also help students stay focused in their classes. It is difficult to stay engaged in class when a student’s mask is falling down or uncomfortable so we encourage our families to find a mask that is comfortable, breathable (avoid 100% cotton), and fun! We love to see our students express themselves with their masks and make the most out of these unprecedented times.

We acknowledge that wearing a mask while exercising heavily in gymnastics and dance classes is not an easy feat. We appreciate the power our Viking community has to come together and do their part in stopping the spread of coronavirus.
