2021 Epilepsy Awareness Day Fundraiser

epilepsy awareness

Viking Gymnastics & Dance is passionate about caring for others and for many years has been proud to support one remarkable member of this community, Hank.

Hank lives with 2 rare diseases; Doose Syndrome, an early childhood epilepsy syndrome, and Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. A few years ago, our Viking community was able to band together and raise over $13,000 to aid Hank in receiving a seizure alert dog, Do-Si, who has been a life-changing addition to his family.

Typically we host an annual home competition each year at Viking. The profits from the competition along with our additional fundraising efforts are used to offset a two-week annual training program that the family is required to attend in Colorado.

raffle for charityMany aspects of life were affected by Coronavirus and the lockdowns that have followed, and we unfortunately had to put our fundraising efforts on hold last year. However, we are happy to be able to assist Hank again!

Beginning on Thursday, March 11th, we will be displaying raffle baskets and selling raffle tickets at the front desk for two weeks. The winners of the fundraiser will be chosen on Friday, March 26th in recognition of Epilepsy Awareness Day!

An update from Hank’s family…

hanks family

“Hank turned 13 years old this year, and we are so fortunate to be able to say he’s doing well! Due to COVID-19 and social distancing, ironically and thankfully, Hank has been able to stay fairly healthy this past year. He has thrived in his “Bubble” as he has not had to deal with as many of his usual life stressors or becoming ill from other viruses such as influenza.

We want to extend our appreciation and gratitude to all of you at Viking Gymnastics! We are extremely grateful and honored to be part of such an amazing group of individuals who are making a difference in our little boy’s life. Epilepsy has left Hank non-verbal, but if he could, he would yell out a big “Thank You!” for all of your generosity for him as well as our family!

Forever Grateful,

Gerard, Megan, Ruby, Hank and Dosi
The Turner/Kovach Family”

Let’s come together and show up for Hank this 2021 Epilepsy Awareness Day! To learn more and stay updated, check out Hank’s R Hero on Facebook!
